Sunday, September 23, 2007


Saga: Humble Stance

Lately I've been watching a little complex grow
You know, you gotta know
That's why I chose to tell ya
That humble stance and timid glance makes your world turn so slow
You know, you gotta know
There's no one going to help you

Watching you, that shyness too, with everyone you know
You know, you gotta know
That's how they step around you
It takes you twice the time to find the things you're looking for
You know, you're moving slow
No one will stop to tell you

You can light up anyone you please
You should spend less time down on your knees

Lately I've been watching a little complex grow
You know, you gotta know

Lately I've been watching a little complex grow
You know, you gotta know
That's why I chose to tell ya
That humble stance and timid glance makes your world turn so slow
You know, you gotta know
There's no one going to help you
There's no one going to help you
There's no one going to help you
There's no one going to help you
There's no one going to help you

Lately I've been watching a little complex grow
You know, you gotta know
That's why I chose to tell ya
That humble stance and timid glance makes your world turn so slow
You know, you gotta know
There's no one going to help you
There's no one going to help you
There's no one going to help you
There's no one going to help you

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